Development & Careers

Development & Careers

BCS Sixth Form provides a gateway to students for the all-important next stage of their lives – this is the time they make important decisions upon which route to take. We are dedicated to provide them with a wealth of opportunities to inspire, engage and educate them.

External Speakers

Sixth Form students have the opportunity to listen to a variety of enriching internal and external speakers throughout the course of their studies. Previous topics have included: Internet Safety, Chiropractic Careers, the conflict in the Middle East, the role of the RNLI, the National Citizen Service.

Higher Education & Careers Support                                                 

Img 2781Throughout Sixth Form at BCS, our students are supported in making important decisions about their future. We know that it can be difficult for students to choose a path at a young age, and to aid our Sixth Formers in this we have a structured careers programme that is delivered during tutor time throughout Year 12. At BCS we use the Unifrog platform to support students with exploring career options and pathways. Unifrog provides students with information and resources on a wide range of subjects, university courses, apprenticeships, and careers. We hold an annual Futures Day for all of our Year 12 pupils, which allows them to explore various career pathways. As part of this, we host guest speakers on universities, apprenticeships, and entrepreneurship to name a few. Mrs Yeats, our Careers and Work Experience Coordinator, meets with our Sixth Formers for personalised career meetings. If our students are unsure of what they want to pursue after Sixth Form, Mrs Yeats is available to meet with them to discuss their strengths, interests, and current courses to identify potential future pathways.

BCS has a strong track record in supporting students in securing places on competitive university courses in the UK. To support students in pursuing higher education we provide a structured UCAS programme. In the Summer term, our Year 12 students attend a UCAS Discovery event allowing them to speak to representatives for hundreds of UK universities. Mr Eberlin is our Higher Education Lead and is available to meet with Sixth Formers to guide them with submitting a competitive application for the course of their choice. Alongside our Sixth Form tutor team, Mr Eberlin supports our students in completing their UCAS application for UK universities and applying for international universities.

Finally, what matters most to us at BCS is helping each student identify their unique career aspirations and then providing bespoke guidance to support them in achieving these aspirations.

"Careers advice is about exploring employment, educational and career options with students and ensuring they have access to the information needed to make educated and realistic decisions about their future to reach their full potential. I am honoured to work with students and help them establish and achieve their career goals, whether that be long or short term goals."


"I support students within all aspects of careers including 1-2-1 career interviews, signposting and research, structuring a gap year to support your future, work experience, applications, results day and beyond! The support doesn’t stop after you receive your results and I am happy to be available to our Alumni." 

Mentor Opportunities

Not all success is measured by academic achievement though. A number of the Year 12 pupils took on the role of peer mentorship, aiding and supporting pupils in the younger years in order to allow them to flourish. The prefect team have gone into lower school lessons in their chosen subject areas to act as support for the younger pupils, in many cases increasing the confidence of both sets of students. The sixth form pupils also volunteered in care homes, ran the Race for Life and organised the Winter Ball to raise money for their chosen charities to name but a few events.

There are numerous opportunities for pupils to develop their confidence and leadership skills here at BCS in order to best prepare them for whatever their next steps may be.