Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview

BCS Prep has a broad and inspiring curriculum which continually explores new ways to engage with the children and inspire a love and passion for learning – celebrating and supporting the school’s ethos of ‘Together we Achieve the Extraordinary’.

The focus on all-round education is paramount and, as such, academic standards are also high with pupils making excellent progress.

Our teachers work a system based on progression, assessment and targeted support. We expect pupils to reach or exceed national expectations to fulfil their early promise and develop latent potential. We have an expectation of participation, fulfilment and success. Teaching and learning is characterised by the setting of clear objectives, challenging personal targets, rigorous assessment and rapid intervention where required.

The Curiosity Approach

PREP reception

The Curiosity Approach, which inspires Early Years children through curiosity, awe and wonder. Through this approach, children learn through the use of authentic resources, recycled materials and loose parts. The mindful and passionate team look to create amazing play spaces for children, where they have the opportunity to become inquisitive capable learners. 

GRIT Mindset

PREP sport

A growth mindset approach is championed, where children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning. From Reception onwards, pupils are seen as Ambitious Learners who have GRIT: Growth mindset – we don’t know everything yet, can improve, turn the negative to the positive; are Ready to learn – organised, focused; Independent – understand themselves and can set themselves challenges; and Team Players – collaborative and work well in a group. 

The Chilli Challenge

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Learning resource The Chilli Challenge is designed to give pupils choice and to differentiate their own learning according to how confident they feel. They can choose hot, hotter or flaming hot tasks and they are encouraged to consider the Learning Zones when they are choosing their level of challenge. This ensures they do not just remain in their comfort zone; they are in the ‘Learning Zone’; actively learning, developing skills further and practising what they have already learnt.