The Boarding School Day

The Boarding School Day

Here gives you a glimpse of the typical school day for boarders at BCS. We have designed the day to provide the widest opportunity for pupils to learn, take part in sport and activities and enjoy time with friends, while also allowing for study slots and free time. 

7.50am - Breakfast. Hot and cold nutritional options will be served in the dining hall. 

8.40am - Registration/Form tutor time or assembly. Each pupil is allocated to a tutor, this is their first point of contact and they will see their tutor at least once a day.

Lessons – We have five one hour lessons a day operated on a two-week timetable – weeks A and B. While the two week timetables are similar, the style allows us to provide sufficient flexibility for a broad and balanced curriculum.


7:50am  Breakfast
8.40am Registration Tutor time /Assembly
9.10am Lesson 1
10.10am Break
10.30am Lesson 2
11.30am Lesson 3
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Lesson 4
2.35pm Lesson 5
3.35pm End of Lessons
3.45pm Co-curricular Programme starts
4.40pm School Day ends, free time starts
5.50pm Supper
6.30pm - 7.30pm Prep time (age dependant)
9.00pm  Bedtime (age dependant)

Lunch/Supper – provided every day in the dining hall. The year groups work on a rota system so there are minimal waiting times. There is always a good selection of food on offer;click here to find out more about our catering facilities and food options.

Co-curricular Programme - takes place mainly after school but also at lunchtimes and occasionally before school for some sports. 

To find out about this in more detail please see our main Co-curricular page