Meet Oci-Ann, BCS Sixth Form alumni and previous boarder from France. Find out about Oci, what she loves about BCS Sixth Form and how she’s working hard towards 4 A*’s at A-Level


Q: How did you find out about BCS and what made you want to come here?

A: I was looking at schools around this area as my grandad lives here and it’s a nice city with the beach, so this school looked really appealing to me. I applied and joined in September for the start of Year 12 for Sixth Form. It was really nice joining as there was a lot on new students joining as well and I felt really welcomed and at home.

Q: How did you find starting Sixth Form and joining boarding?

A: It was nice, a lot of new students also joined so that was good. I lived with my grandad at first but then moved into boarding within the first term. Everyone was so welcoming and nice to me. I became really close with the girls in boarding, especially Laura.

BCSJune22MP 185Q: What’s been your highlight of BCS so far?

A: I’d say being able to always use the art room. It is so nice as I can use it on the weekends and in the evenings because I am a boarder.

Q: What do you want to do when you leave BCS?

A: I’ve applied to University to go into luxury fashion design in womenswear. I have wanted to do this for such a long time. It’s my childhood dream. I’d also like to have my own brand where I can be creative and design.

Q: Have you decided what university you want to go to?

A: Yes, I’ve applied for a few. I’ve already been accepted to Florence in Italy and I want to go to London to St. Martins as it’s the best but they don’t reply until April. Florence is my second choice but my hearts set on London.

Q: Who’s your favourite teacher?

A: I don’t think I can say, they’re all such good teachers. They’re so supportive and I couldn’t pick a favourite. If I had to it would obviously be Mr Coulter and Miss Cunningham. They’re honestly amazing, they push you so hard to do your best all the time. I have already taken my French A-Level exam and i got an A*. 

"Last year I was predicted B’s and now I’m A*, A*, A*,A* which is insane. I couldn’t have done it without the support from my teachers at BCS, they are the best teachers I have ever had"

Q: Have you grades improved a lot?

A: Yes, a lot because of the support and being pushed into my creativity. I didn’t understand anything about the system as I’m from France and so my teachers helped to clear it up so I understood that if I tick all the boxes, I could get the best grades. My teachers helped me get the momentum to find passion in what I needed to be doing. 

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Q:  Can you tell us a bit about your scholarship and what you had to do get it? 

A: I am an Art Scholar. To get accepted for a BCS scholarship I had to build up a portfolio and have an interview with Mr Coulter, the head of art, and Mr Slatford, the headmaster at the time. We talked a lot and I got to show my art, they were really interested in my work which was nice.

Q: What’s involved in being a scholar?

A: To be honest, it involves doing your best. Not only in art, in everything. I help Miss Cunningham with co-curricular in art for the younger year groups so that’s nice.

Q: If you could pick one highlight, what would it be?

A: It sounds ridiculous but the ninja warrior boarding outing was so fun, we go on a lot of trips with boarding. I don’t always go when I have a lot of work but when I do it’s always so much fun.

Q: If you could summarise BCS in 3 words what would they be?

A: Welcoming, International and Supportive.