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COURSE OVERVIEW (for native speakers only)

A-Level Russian explores an understanding of the Russian language and country. 
You will study a range of social issues and trends, as well as aspects of the political and artistic culture of Russia and Russian-speaking countries.

This course will enable you to translate into and out of Russian. You will develop your critical thinking, creativity, independence and skills of analysis. 

Assessment structure 

Theme 1: Development of Russian society 

Theme 2: Political and artistic culture in the Russian-speaking world 

Theme 3: Moscow or St. Petersburg - changes in the life of a large Russian city 

Theme 4: The last years of the USSR- MS. Gorbachev (1985-1991)

What can pupils’ study next?

There are a wide range of courses available at university. You could study a dedicated language degree or alternatively you can study courses such as business with a language.

Speaking more than one language increases your marketability in the workplace and beyond.

Who can I contact for further information?

Angela Baffos – Head of Languages

Maria Forrest - Russian Teacher